WAR XII - This week the WAR Ride will officially welcome in the fall chill by honoring the blue collar bar - the ice house. (Get it? Fall chill...ice house? I'm a f'ing genius)
The Ice House is typically a low-key, largely outdoor bar frequented by guys with names on their shirts. Horseshoes might be thrown, ice cold beer will certainly be consumed, and the 'pub grub' ususally ranges from hot dogs to...well, hot dogs. Sounds like a nice place for a bike ride.
We will meet for an optional dinner at Wahoo's (6th and Rio Grande) at 6:30. The ride will officially depart at 7:15. We will visit The Scoot Inn, The Jackalope and Dirty Bill's. I know, technically these aren't all true Ice Houses, but until Kasey gets off his ass and builds me one, it is the best I can do. There is also a short film festival playing at nearby Republic Square, we might ride by and check out a movie or two. http://www.austinfilm.org/film/afs_movies_in_the_park_austin_shorts
The Details:
Wed 11/19
Optional dinner: Wahoo's, 6:30p
Wheels Down: 7:15p
Return: 10p
Make sure to bring bike lights. Wear a shirt with your name on it. Bring a light jacket.
See you there. Bring a friend.