As the days of Spring fade in a scorching heat, let’s take advantage of the chance to drink cold beer without the requirement of conditioned air. In fact, let’s mock the source of the summer heat by putting on our Icarus wings and flying closer to the heat source. That’s right, sun – we’re comin for you.
This week we will visit some of Austin’s higher establishments. No, Eeyore’s Birthday has already passed, I’m talking altitude.
This week we will visit a few fine Rooftop Bars. If you can’t get arrested for throwing stuff off of it, we ain’t drinkin there. We will even visit a bar actually CALLED “Rooftop Bar”. As I have never been there, I can confirm neither its support of a elevated drinking surface, nor its actual existence. Additional rooftops will include Molotov’s, Six Lounge and a secret location. However, the secret location will be changed in the event of a fire, in which case I say – burn motherfucker, burn.
Meet: Wed, 5/19, 6pm - Frank’s Hot Dogs & Beer – 4th& Colorado
Ride Leaves: 7pm SHARP!
Bring: Light, lock and a friend. Just as an FYI – we don’t need no water.