So, January rolls around. Your mail piles up with bills for Christmas. Your W2 arrives. There is your property tax. Income tax. It's all due.
So, for all of you penny pinching misers out there who just realized the gravity of your financial situation, we will have a cheap skate ride. If you actually WEAR skates on the ride, you get extra points. Which are, sadly only redeemable toward items contained within the cupholder of my car.
Hungry. Want to eat free without the embarrassment of standing in a soup kitchen line? Let's meet at 6pm at Jax (29+Guad). Free pizza with the purchase of beer. The more you drink, the more you eat. So, you know. Two birds.
White Trash Wednesday at the Library, so you'll fit in drinking your $1 PBR.
..and $2 domestics at Kung Fu Saloon till 9.
If you like FREE BEER. There are a few of us headed out to the grand opening of Jester King Brewery this Saturday at 1pm. Call or text me if you wanna go and/or car pool.
Meet at 6 for dinner. Ride leaves at 7.