Attendance to the WAR has been well, spotty at best. I know, I know - this is the pot calling the kettle black.
WAR 80. Eighty. That is three years of the WAR. Rain or shine, cold or f'ing hot.
But, you haven't been in a while. What, do you have a better group of bike riding/beer drinking friends? Are you too good for the WAR?
So, here we are at WAR 80. Let's celebrate by making this a Family Reunion. Attendance is required. Be there.
We will meet at Little Woodrow's - 6th and Nueces. Meet at 6pm for beers. We leave by 6:45 in order to get a nice ride in before we hit Blues on the Green. Big show this week with Dale Watson and Guy Forsyth. If you are hungry, there are some local food vendors at the show.
Then we will hit another mystery stop after the show.
MEET: Wed, 7/20 - 6pm - Little Woody's on 6th.
Attendance is mandatory - don't make me come after you.
Bring - lights locks and friends.