Now that Swine Flu seems to have officially passed us by, it is time to discuss an illness that has plagued me since I was old enough to hold a quarter.
Pac-Man Fever.
Seriously, when you think of your childhood, the old stand up video games were really a part of our lives. Yet, so many lifetime goals go unfulfilled.
What WAS at the end of Zaxxon?
How many quarters DID it take to beat Dragon's Lair?
How many levels were there in Guantlet?
Did ANYONE beat the high jump in Track and Field?
What the fuck WAS Q-Bert?
How do you get away from the bees in 720?
It took a hell of a lot of quarters, but friends, I'm telling you. You COULD turn into a boat in Spy Hunter. I seen it with my own eyes.
So, Wednesday, 1/27, we search for answers, riders. We are going to see out the old video games and beat them - WHILE drinking beer.
MEET: Rounder's Pizza at 6pm if you want dinner (they also have a few sweet games). Ride leaves at 7pm sharp.
We will hit:
Shangra'la - Old school games there
Betsy's Bar - Last time I was there you could play Atari AND Intellivision (speaking of, was there an end to Pitfall?)
Kung Fu Saloon - A new joint that claims to specialize in old school greatness
UPDATE: The good peeps at Kung Fu Saloon have extended us a drink special. Just for WAR riders. God, I hope they have the video game Kung Fu. Or at least Double dragon.
Bring a lock, a helmet, a friend and a sack of quarters. And watch out for Rooney.
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