WAR XVII is upon us, as is my favorite National Holiday: Texas Independence Day.
On March 2 each year, we celebrate our state's independence; the signing of the declaration, the drawing of the line in the sand. We remember
We're the biggest state in the union. No,
The Capitol is the only state capitol building taller than the U.S. Capitol. We're the only state that can legally fly our flag at the same height as the US Flag. That, my friend, is pride.
So, let's be proud, and proud of our pride and visit a few classic "Texas Bars". What better way to start out than eating a bowl of the State Food of Texas - Chili. We'll then make our way around the city, visiting Scholtz's Beer Garten and Donn's Depot as well as a few
Meet at TCP (Texas Chili Parlor - 14th & Lavaca) at 6:30pm, this Wednesday - 2/25 for dinner. Ride will begin at 7:15 sharp, so be there early if you want a bowl of red.
Bring lights, lock, helmet and friends. Drinking at least one Lone Star will be mandatory. Oh, and Don't Mess With