The hell of it is, that was about the kindest thing he did all year! Mr. Cheney, you really are quite a Dick. Now that the bastard is gone, let's salute his face-shooting with a bike ride. I'm sure Dick would approve of us stopping for a beer or two. He's had two DWIs.
So, since I couldn't find a bar called 'Evil's' or 'Darth Vader's Lounge', I've composed the ride around three words which adaquately describe the face-shooter. Dirty, Nasty and Mean.
So the ride will visit Dirty Bill's, The Mean Eyed Cat and Nasty's. If you want some food beforehand, let's meet at El Arroyo (1624 W. 5th St.) at 6pm. We will be riding at 7pm. Ride ends at the Mean Eyed Cat, so you can park in the general area. The weather is supposed to clear up nicely tomorrow with temps in the 70s. Bring a front and back light and a friend. Just don't shoot them.
Oh, Wedneday is also Sarah Palin's birthday. Weird, huh?
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