So this week I am out of town, and the WAR's favorite son, Charlton is leading the ride. So, Charlton is in charge.
Charlton had this great idea of a "Watergate Ride" in honor of the Anniversary of Nixon's pardon.
You know, crossing the gates of Austin across our water to watering holes. I love it. Creative, historical - awesome.
However, I can't let the opportunity pass to put Charlton in Charge. And, point out that he actually does resemble Scott Baio circa 1987.
So, there you have it. Charlton is in Charge.
Of our days.
And our nights.
Meet: Mangia Pizza (Lake Austin Location)
Charlton is in Charge of our wrongs and our rights.
Meet at 6pm. Right leaves at 7pm SHARP!
And I sing, I want Charlton in Charge of me!
We will hit: Lustre Pearl, Deep Eddy and Uncle Billy's.
And I sing, I want Charlton in Charge of me!
Bring: Bike, beer money, a lock, and remember, Joanie loves Chachi.
(I have to admit, I plugged in the Charles in Charge lyrics from memory. I don't know whether to be proud or horribly embarrassed.)
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