...And what better reward than more of the same? Treat yourself to a cold one on Wednesday, 7/1. The theme to this week will be "The Best of WAR." If you plan on coming (and you should), email me your favorite place the ride has been, along with three songs you'd like to hear. I'll tally the votes and take it from there.
If you have not been on a WAR, shame on you - you are missing out. If you've found yourself saying, "well, there is always next year"....yeah...it's here, so get your fat-ass off the couch and on your bike.
To be continued......
Okay - the votes are in! The overwhealming favorite was Mean Eyed Cat, followed by a new location - The Shangri'la. Thed for third place was 'air conditioning' and 'swimming'. So, we will make it happen.
Meet at Wahoos for dinner 5th&Rio Grande. Dinner at 6:15. We roll at 7pm.
First we will hit a new spot - Abel's on the Lake (by Hula Hut) for a cold one and a dip in Lake Austin - so bring you swimmin' suit. Next we will hit the Mean Eyed Cat, followed by the Shangri'la, we will end up where we started at Dirty Bill's.
I'll load up the jukebox, you bring a lock and a light.
See you there! The Map
Keep us posting on the TBD location; Some rider friends of mine and I are wanting to ride with y'all for the first time!
I'm new to the WAR. I like Deep Eddy, Donn's Depot, La La's, Crown and Anchor and the Draft House. Usual Suspects I'm sure.
Carter Goss
Shit forgot the music.
60s, 70s, 80s Beatles, Stones, Cream, Police, Beastie Boys, Willie, Love the Dead. I know, Old STONER.
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