The Wednesday urban Assault Ride continues for part V - Back To School!
Well, it is time for all of the kids to go back to school. Check that - it's time for YOUR kids to go back to school. Yeah, that's right - we're old. But riding into West Campus last ride brought back memories of what school really is about - keg stands, frat parties, beer bongs, and the god-given right to have a couch on your front porch without shame! We might be getting older, but we ain't done - and this Wednesday, get prepared to go Back To School!
Our ride will take us to a few old haunts, and I can pretty much promise we'll ride by somewhere you: A) lived B) threw up C) both. Plan on meeting at Posse East. Wheels down at 7pm sharp - no waiting. If you want a pre-ride beer, hey man, that's up to you. My mom is sending me a check, so if it gets here in time, I'll join you. Ride will start at the Posse East and end at the Crown (optional finishing beer), so park there. This will be a fairly tame ride, so bring a friend. We should finish up about 9:30pm.
If you are up for more of a challenge, meet at my house. Wheels down at 6:30pm SHARP - no waiting! We will have a brisk ride to the Posse East to get a few more miles in.
The Groups:
Seniors - Meet at Mat's House (808 Ethel 78704) - ride at 6:30p - 18miles total
Freshmen - Meet at Posse East (if you have to look it up, you aren't invited) - ride at 7pm - 7.5mi total
Bring: Bike, rear blinky light, helmet, beer money
See you at orientation
The Map
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