We made it through the blistering summer heat to the official start of Fall. No, not the equinox, dumbass - ACL. Prepare yourself for thousands of hipsters, hippies, and weekend vegans to decend upon our town to tromp down the grass at Zilker Park. Well, at least we get some excellent music.
So, this week we are going to break from the ACL Indie Scene by going back to Texas music roots - the Honky Tonk. You don't need a giant flag, a pesant shirt and a 'crotch stash' to enjoy Texas music. All you need is a cold Lone Star on a picnic table and quarter for the jukebox. We will ride out Wednesday a visit a few of Austin's saloons, where we will be able sip a cold one while sitting on an old oak bench. Places where PBR isn't considered 'retro'.
We are going to try something new this ride and not schedule dinner. Hopefully we will finish at a more reasonable hour. So, please feed youself before the ride. We are starting this week at Shoal Creek Saloon, so I suspect a few folks will meet up early and eat there - I know I will.
The Ride - Wed, 9/24
- Depart Shoal Creek Saloon, 7:15pm - sharp!
- Ride is approx 9.5mi
- Planned stops: Shoal Creek Saloon, Uncle Billy's Brew's & BBQ, Mean Eyed Cat
- Please wear a helmet and bring a light
- Suggested attire - Pearl Snap Shirt
Remember - no planned dinner on the ride. Eat first or go hungry. Or, be social and come eat with the family at Shoal Creek about 6:30.
If you want to add another 10mi or so, I'll be departing my house at 6pm.
The Map
Nightime is coming eariler and the vampires are out. Please come to the next ride lit up like a damn Christmas tree. Garlic is optional. Johnny Law requires a red tail light and a white front light. I hate to side with The Man, but he's right on this one. You don't have to spend a lot, just grab something like this: Come on baby light my fire.
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